Prof. (Dr) V.R.Singh, Ph.D. (Electrical Engg), IIT-Delhi and Life Fellow- IEEE and LF-IETE, LF-IEI, LF-ASI/USI and LF-IFUMB/WFUMB, has over 38 years of research-cum-teaching experience in India and abroad (Univ of Toronto-Canada, KU Leuven- Belgium, Korea Univ, South Korea, TU-Delft, Netherlands, Univ of Surrey/Southampton, UK, PTB-Germany and others). He has been at National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi, as a Director-grade-Scientist/ Head of Instrumentation, Sensors & Biomedical Measurements and Standards, as well as Distinguished Professor (AICTE/INAE). He has over 350 papers, 250 talks, 260 conf papers, 4 books, 14 patents and 30 consultancies to his credit. Under his guidance, 35 PhD scholars have earned PhD degree while others are working with him. He is the Mentor/Advisor of PDM University.
Dr. Singh has been the Associate Editor of IEEE Int Sensor Journal (2010-2016), and is Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions, Editorial Board Member, Biomedical Engineering Letters (BMEL) and Regional Editor of Int Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET). Apart from this, he is on Editorial/Reviewer Boards of other journals. like Sensors & Actuators (Switzerland), IEEE Trans on Engg in Med and Biology , J Computers in Electrical Engg (USA), J.InstnElectr Telecom Engrs, J.InstnEngrs -India, Ind J Pure &Appl Physics, J.ofInstrm SocInd, J. Pure &Appl Ultrasonics, J. Life Science Engg, etc.
- Publications (Click to expand)
a. Malik, NK and Singh, VR, 2016, “A human inspired cognitive wheelchair navigation system” International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation(USA) 5 (3), 263-284, .
b. Singh, VR, Kumari, Meena, Swapnil, S and Ranjan, R “Weather sensitive load flow analysis of radial distribution system”, 2018, Journal WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, Vol 13, Pages 78-88
c. Malik, N.K., Singh, V.R. 2015 “A cognitive architecture for assistive technology in healthcare”, CSIT (Springer), 3,99–109 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40012-016-0078-z