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Director - West Campus

Prof. Prerna Gaur



The website:

B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from G.B.Pant Univ of Technology and Agriculture, Pantnagar in 1988, M.Tech from Delhi College of Engineering in 1996 and  Ph.D. from Delhi University in in the field of Artificial Intelligence and control.

Presently working as Professor and Head, Instrumentation and Control Department, NSUT, Dwarka, New Delhi, India.

6 years of Industry experience and 24 years of Teaching experience in Delhi College Engineering and NSUT, Delhi.

More Than 120 research papers in International Journals and IEEE Conferences. Guided more than 150 B.Tech and M.Tech Students. Guided many Ph.D. students also. She is Director, Technical Business Incubator of NSUT and NBA Co-ordinator of NSUT. She is member of NBA Expert committee and the member of various committees of AICTE and UGC.

She has organized IICPE-2010 at NSUT and in organizing committee of many IEEE international Conferences in Delhi Section.

Besides teaching she is actively associated with IEEE (Senior Member), ISTE (Life Member), IETE Fellow and IE (Fellow) .


  • Head of the Department of Instrumentation and Control Department
  • Dean Alumni Affairs 2018
  • Director and Member Secretary in NSUT-Incubation and Innovation Foundation
  • Chair, IEEE Delhi Section Since March 2019
  • Executive Vice Chair, IEEE Delhi Section from Feb’2017- March 2019.
  • Secretary, IEEE Delhi Section from Feb 2013-2017, Treasurer, IEEE Delhi Section-2011-2012 and March 2012-Feb-2013 and Jt. Secretary, IEEE Delhi     Section-(2008-2010)
  • Served as Chairperson, IEEE Women in Engineering, Feb 2013-14. And as Secretary, IEEE Women in Engineering, (2008-2010) and March 2012-Feb-  2013
  • Served as Chairperson PELS-IES Delhi Chapter, IEEE Delhi Section Feb 2013-14 and Secretary PELS-IES Delhi Chapter, IEEE Delhi Section March  2012-Feb-2013
  • Vice Chairman –IEEE India Council, Student Activity in 2012.
  • Served as Chairperson Membership Dev. Committee, IEEE Delhi Section (2008-2010),
  • Chair, Standing Committee, Student and Technical activities (2006-2008) and (2011- 2014). She is mentoring the students of the section which covers almost the north India with the student membership strength around 4000.
  • General Secretary, ISTE NSUT
  • Branch Counselor, IEEE NSUT Student Branch from Jan 2001 till date
  • Reviewer in IEEE International Journal of Power Electronics and IEI journals.
  • Member Organizing Committee of International Conferences IICPE2012 and PICONF2012 in Dec’2012, Member- 2nd National conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at SBIT on 8-9 Feb 2013, Member organizing Committee IICPE 2014.

Areas of Interest

Renewable Energy, Power Electronics, Power Quality, Artificial Intelligent based Control, Electrical Drive

Honours and Awards

  • The award of Women of the Decade in Academia, Presented at Women Economic Forum 2018, 26th April-1st May, New Delhi, India
  • Acknowledgment to maintain the membership in the Section by Member development Committee of IEEE in 2017 and 2018.
  • Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Excellence award in Education-2015
  • IEEE PES Outstanding Chapter Engineer Award for 2015 from IEEE Delhi Section.
  • Dr. Prerna Gaur received IEEE PES Outstanding Chapter Engineer Award for 2015 from Delhi.
  • She won Best Affinity group of the year award from Region 10 (Asia Pacific Region) in 2014 for IEEE NSIT WIE AG.
  • She received Outstanding Chapter award from IEEE PELS, NJ, USA in the year 2013 as Chairperson, PELS-IES Delhi Chapter.
  • Dr Prerna Gaur won Outstanding Branch Counselor Award from Region 10 (Asia Pacific Region) in 2012.
  • Dr Prerna Gaur won Outstanding Branch Counselor Award from IEEE Delhi Section-2008, and 2013.
  • Dr Prerna Gaur won Exemplary in Branch Counseling Award from IEEE Delhi Section- 2009, 2011 and 2012.
  • Dr Prerna Gaur won Exemplary in Branch Counseling Award from IEEE Delhi Section- 2009, 2011 and 2012.
  • Dr Prerna Gaur won Outstanding Branch Counselor Award from IEEE 2009.
  • The award of Women of the Decade in Academia, Presented at Women Economic Forum 2018, 26th April-1st May, New Delhi, India
  • Acknowledgment to maintain the membership in the Section by Member development Committee of IEEE in 2017 and 2018.
  • Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Excellence award in Education-2015
  • IEEE PES Outstanding Chapter Engineer Award for 2015 from IEEE Delhi Section.
  • Best Paper Award on the paper in the IEEE international conference INDICON-2015 17 th – 20th Dec 2015.
  • Best Paper Award on the paper in the IEEE international conference ICACEA-2015 19 th – 20th March 2015.
  • Best Affinity group of the year award from Region 10 (Asia Pacific Region) in 2014.
  • Outstanding Chapter award from IEEE PELS, NJ, USA in the year 2013 as Chairperson, PELS-IES Delhi Chapter.
  • Outstanding Branch Counselor Award from Region 10 (Asia Pacific Region) in 2012.
  • Outstanding Branch Counselor Award from IEEE Delhi Section-2008, and 2013.
  • Exemplary in Branch Counseling Award from IEEE Delhi Section- 2009, 2011 and 2012.
  • Outstanding Branch Counselor Award from IEEE USA, 2009. 



SCI Publications

[1]      Deepak Joshi, Richa Sharma and Prerna Gaur, "A switching-based collaborative fractional order fuzzy logic controllers for robotic manipulators," in the journal of   Applied Mathematical Modelling, accepted in March 2019.

[2]     Anil Kumar Yadav, Prerna Gaur, “Sliding Mode based Fuzzy Model Reference Adaptive Control Technique for an Unstable System", in the Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B. accepted in Jan 2019.

[3]     Srishti Singh, Prerna Gaur, Madhur kapoor, Sankalp Goel, Satinderpal Singh, Sonali Negi, "Design and Implementation of a Prototype Hybrid Micro Grid Model for Available Weather Conditions" in the International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology, Inderscience, 2018

[4]     Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna gaur, “Speed Control of an Uncertain Heavy Duty Vehicle using Improved IMC Technique,” The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer, vol. 42, no. 7, pp. 2981–2991, 2017.

[5]     Rohit Rana, Prerna Gaur, Vijayant Agrawal and H Parthasarthy, "Tremor Estimation and Removal in Robot Assisted Surgery Using Lie Groups and EKF", under review in Springer Journals, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018.

[6]     Anurag Kumar and Prerna Gaur “Identification of NonLinear Dynamical Plants using Enhanced Extreme Learning Machines,” under review in Control Theory and Technology, 2017.

[7]     Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur, “Speed Control of an Uncertain Heavy Duty Vehicle using Improved IMC Technique,” The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer, vol. 42, no. 7, pp. 2981–2991, 2017. (SCIE, Impact Factor = 0.865).

[8]     Richa Sharma, Prerna gaur and A P Mittal, “Design of two-layered fractional order fuzzy logic controllers applied to robotic manipulator with variable payload”, Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier, 2016.

[9]     Richa Sharma, Prerna gaur and A P Mittal, “An adaptive PID like controller using mix locally recurrent neural network for robotic manipulator with variable payload, ISA transactions, Elsevier, May 2016.

[10]  Richa Sharma, Prerna gaur and A P Mittal, “Design of Fractional-Order Hybrid Fuzzy Logic Controller for a Robotic Manipulator, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Feb 2017.

[11] Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur, “Improved Self-Tuning Fuzzy Proportional–Integral Derivative Versus Fuzzy-Adaptive Proportional–Integral–Derivative for Speed Control of Nonlinear Hybrid Electric Vehicles,” Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, ASME Transactions, vol.11, no. 6, pp. 061013-061013-7, 2016. (SCIE, Impact Factor = 1.732).

[12] Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur, “Neuro-Fuzzy based Improved IMC for Speed Control of Nonlinear Heavy Duty Vehicles,” Defence Science Journal, vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 665-672, 2016. (SCIE, Impact Factor = 0.50)

[13] Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur, “An Optimized and Improved STF-PID Speed Control of Throttle Controlled HEV,” Accepted for publication in Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2016.

[14] Richa Sharma, Vikas Kumar, Prerna Gaur and A.P. Mittal, “An adaptive PID like controller using mix locally recurrent neural network for robotic manipulator with variable payload,” ELSVIER, ISA Transactions, doi:10.1016/j.isatra.2016.01.016, available online 23 February 2016.

[15] Richa Sharma, Prerna Gaur and A.P. Mittal, “Performance analysis of two-degree of freedom fractional order PID controllers for robotic manipulator with payload,” ELSVIER, ISA Transactions, Vol 58, September 2015, Pages 279–291, 2015.

[16] Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur, “Intelligent modified internal model control for speed control of nonlinear uncertain heavy duty vehicles,” ISA Transaction, ELSVIER, Volume 56, May 2015, Pages 288–298, 2015. . (SCI, Impact Factor = 2.984).

[17] Vikas Kumar, Prerna Gaur and A.P. Mittal, “ANN based Self Tuned PID like Adaptive Controller Design for High Performance PMSM Position Control,” Expert Systems with Applications, ELSVIER, Volume 41, Issue 17, 1 December 2014, Pages 7995–8002, 2014. Impact Factor: 1.965

[18] Vikas Kumar, Prerna Gaur and A.P. Mittal, “High Performance Predictive Current Control of a Three Phase VSI: An Experimental Assessment,” International journal of Sadhana, Indian Academy of Sciences vol. 39, Part 6, December 2014, pp. 1295–1310, Impact Factor: 0.587

[19] Prerna Gaur, Vikas Kumar, and A.P. Mittal, “Finite-state model predictive control of NPC inverter using multi-criteria fuzzy decision-making,” International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Systems, Wiley, 2014, ISSN- 2050-7038, DOI: 10.1002/etep.1880.Wiley publishers, 2013. Impact Factor: 0.631

[20] Vikas Kumar, Prerna Gaur and A.P. Mittal, “Predictive torque and flux control of an induction machine drive using fuzzy multi-criteria decision making,” Under Review: in Sadhna.

[21] Anil Kumar Yadav, Prerna Gaur, Shyama Kant Jha, J.R.P. Gupta, A.P. Mittal, “Optimal Speed Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles,” Journal of Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 393-400, July 2011.Impact factor-0.783

[22] Sharma, D., Gaur, P. and Mittal, A.P. “Comparative Analysis of Hybrid GAPSO technique with GA and PSO for cost optimization of an off grid HES,” Int. J. Energy Technology and Policy, Taylor and Francis, vol.1, pp:106–114, 2014

[23] Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur, “Robust Adaptive Speed Control of Uncertain Hybrid Electric Vehicle using Electronic Throttle Control with Varying Road Grade,” An International Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Engineering Systems, Nov. 2013 (DOI 10.1007/s11071-013-1128-9).  (SCI, Impact Factor = 2.849).

[24] Sharma, D., Gaur, P. and Mittal, A.P. ‘Small signal stability analysis of an off grid hybrid energy system using hybrid GAPSO tuned PI controller’ is in communication stage.

[25]  Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur, “AI based Adaptive Control and Design of Autopilot System for Nonlinear UAV,” Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Science Sadhana, Springer, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 765-783, 2014. (2015 Impact Factor = 0.587)  ISSN: 0256-2499 (print version), ISSN: 0973-7677 (electronic version) (SCI, Impact Factor= 0.476).

[26] Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur, “Disturbance rejection for position control of uncertain CNC machine tool using modified IMC technique,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. (second revision Submitted)

[27]  Anil Kumar Yadav, Prerna Gaur and Piyush Saxena, “Robust Stability Analysis of PMSM with Parametric Uncertainty using Kharitonov Theorem,” Journal of Electrical Systems, 2016. (ISI Thomson Reuters, Accepted).

[28] Ahtesham, Prerna gaur and Vikas Kumar, “High performance control of a Brushless DC Servo using Iterative Learning Control,” International Journal of Research Fellow for Engineering, Vol.2 Issue 7 (July Issue), 2014.

[29] Anil Kumar Yadav, Prerna Gaur, Shyama Kant Jha, J. R. P. Gupta, and A. P. Mittal, “Optimal Speed Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles,” Journal of Power Electronics, JPE, vol. 11, no. 4, July 2011.

[30] Prerna Gaur, Bhim Singh, A.P.Mittal, “Recurrent and Feedforward Neural Network Control of PMSM,” IETE Journal of Research, Nov-Dec 2011.

[31] Prerna Gaur, Bhim Singh, A.P.Mittal, “Steady State and Dynamic Response of State Space Observer Based PMSM Drive with Different Controllers,” Journal of Power Electronics (JPE), vol. 8, no. 3, and pp: 280-290, July’ 2008. 

NON-SCI Publications

[1] Srishti Singh, Prerna Gaur, Madhur kapoor, Sankalp Goel, Satinderpal Singh, Sonali Negi, "Design and Implementation of a Prototype Hybrid Micro Grid Model for Available Weather Conditions" The International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology, Inderscience, 2018.

 [2] Prerna Gaur, Vikas Kumar, A.P. Mittal and Bhim Singh, “ELM based Sensorless Speed Control of PMSM Drives” Int. J. Vehicle Autonomous Systems, Inderscience Publishers Vol. 11, Nos. 2/3, pp. 229–244, pp. 190-204, 2013..

[3] Vikas kumar, Prerna Gaur and A.P. Mittal, “Novel AI based on-line sequential learning technique for high performance dc servo motor control,” Journal of Control Engineering and Applied informatics, IJCAD, Inderscience DOI: 10.1504/IJCAD.2013.057458, vol 17, no 2 (2015).

[4] Sharma, D., Gaur, P., Mittal, A.P. and Singh, B. ‘Photovoltaic Powered Electric Vehicle Using PMSM Drive Scheme,” Int. J. Vehicle Autonomous Systems, Inderscience Publishers, Vol. 11, Nos. 2/3, pp.229–244, , January 2013.

[5] Sharma, D., Gaur, P. and Mittal, A.P. (2013) ‘Energy Management System for a photovoltaic powered conventional vehicle,” Int. J. Energy Technology and Policy, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 144-159, Inderscience Publishers, August 2013.

[6] Vikas Kumar, Prerna Gaur and A.P. Mittal, “Adaptive AI based two stage control of an induction machine drive,” DOI: 10.1504/IJCAD.2013.057458. Inderscience Publishers.

[7]   Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur, “Robust MRAS Speed Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicle using Sliding-Mode and Fuzzy-Logic Adaptation Mechanism,” Int. Journal of Powertrains. Inderscience, 2014, DOI:

[8] Shyama Kant Jha, Anil Kumar Yadav, Prerna Gaur, J.R. P. Gupta, Harish Parthasarathy, “Robust and Optimal Control Analysis of Sun Seeker System,” Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics. vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 70-79, 2014. (Impact Factor = 0.228), (ISSN: 1454-8658)

[9]  Shyama Kant Jha, A. K. Yadav, Prerna Gaur, J.R. P. Gupta, Harish Parthasarathy, “Evolutionary Anecdote of Optimal Control and its Application from Brachistochrone Problem,” Invertis Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 7, no.1, pp. 1-9, 2014.

[10] Shyama Kant Jha, A. K. Yadav, Prerna Gaur, J.R.P. Gupta, “Robust Stability Analysis of DC Servo Motor for Attitude Control of Aircraft using Arguon’s Theorem,” Journal of Control Engineering and Technology, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 127-134, April 2014.

[11] Anil Kumar Yadav and Prerna Gaur,“Comparative Analysis of Modern control and AI based control for maintaining constant Ambient Temperature,” World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, vol.10, no.1/2/3, 2013.

[12] Shyama Kant Jha, A.K. Yadav, Prerna Gaur, J.R. P. Gupta, “General Robust Stability Analysis of Uncertain system,” International Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 89-97, 2013.

[13] Shyama kant Jha, Anil Kumar Yadav, Prerna Gaur, J.R. P. Gupta, “LQR based Optimal Verses Classical PID Controller for the Longitudinal Dynamics of an Aircraft,” Journal of Control & Instrumentation, vol. 5, no.3, 2013.

[14] Shyama kant Jha, Anil Kumar Yadav, Vikas Kumar, Prerna Gaur, J.R. P. Gupta, “Implication of Reduced Order Modeling for Robust Stability Analysis of Interval Polynomial,” Journal of Control & Instrumentation, vol. 4, no. 2, 2013.

[15] Prerna Gaur, Sunil Balasaheb, “Drawbacks & Solution for Traditional MPPT conversion Technology in Telecom Power,” International Journal of Applied Engineering And Research (IJAER), special issue, Vol.7 No.11 (2012)

[16] S. Thakkar, A. Garg, A. Midha, P. Gaur, "Low-Cost Teleoperation of Remotely Located Actuators Based on Dual Tone Multi-Frequency Data Transfer", Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 403-408, pp. 4727-4734, 2012

[17] Prerna Gaur, Bhim Singh, A.P.Mittal, Bhuvenesh Agarwal, “Auto Pilot Car,” MR. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, July- 2010.

[18] Prerna Gaur, Bhim Singh, A.P.Mittal, “Feedforward Fuzzy Logic Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive,” Inder Science International Journal of Power Electronics, Special Issue: Power Electronics for Motion Control. vol. 1, no. 4, pp.363-380, February 2009.

[19] Prerna Gaur, Bhim Singh, A.P.Mittal, Chirag Gandhi and Juhi Taneja, “LabVIEW Based Data Acquisition and Position Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous motor,” MR. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol.1, pp.35-45, August’2008.

National Conferences 

[1]     Prerna gaur and A P Mittal, “Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Fibonacci & Linear Array of Solar Panels,” In Proc. of Annual Convention of Institute of Engineers 18-20 Dec, Hyderabad, 2014.

[2]     Japjeet Kaur, Prerna Gaur, Piyush Saxena,“Genetic Algorithm based Control of Pitch Angle in Wind Turbine” 3rd National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control (NCPEIC 12)”.MNIT Jaipur

[3]     Manoj Chandrashekharan, Prerna Gaur, “Comparative study of THD for 13-Level and 15-Level Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Converter using Multicarrier PWM Techniques,” 3rd National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control (NCPEIC 12)”. MNIT Jaipur.

[4]     Minakshi Singh and Prerna gaur, "Torque ripple minimization strategy for direct torque control of induction motor using genetic algorithm" 3rd National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control (NCPEIC 12)”.MNIT Jaipur.

[5]      Ankit namdev and Prerna Gaur, “Comparative study of THD for 13-Level and 15-Level Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Converter using Multicarrier PWM Techniques,”3rd National conference on Power Electronics & Intelligent control (NCPEIC-2012)

[6]     Anil Kumar Yadav, Shyama Kant Jha, Prerna Gaur, A.P. Mittal, “Comparative Analysis of Conventional and AI based Control Techniques for CNC Machine Tool” In proceeding of Power Electronics and Intelligent Control (NCPEIC-12) at MNIT Jaipur in Nov. 2012.

[7]     Sharma, D., Gaur, P. and Mittal, A.P. (2011) “Modeling and simulation of standalone photovoltaic system with MPPT and battery management subsystem,” National Electrical Engg. Conference (NEEC), DTU.

[8]     Sharma, D., Gaur, P. and Mittal, A.P. (2011) ‘Modeling and simulation of standalone photovoltaic system with MPPT and its application to conventional vehicle’, National conference at MAIT.

[9]     Prerna gaur, Bhim Singh, A.P.Mittal & V.K.Bansal, “PI and Sliding Mode Controller of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive,” National Conference Automation in  Power Distribution Systems 2004, APDS 04, Delhi College of engineering., pp 81-83.

[10] Prerna Gaur, Bhim Singh, A.P.Mittal and Dipti Mohan, “Flux observer based Sensorless Permanent Magnet Motor Drive,” Iin proc. of IEEE National Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems, Sonipat, India March 13-15, 2008.

[11] Prerna gaur and Amit Kumar, “Adaptive Noise Cancellation Approach using least Mean Square Algorithm-(LMS) Applied to Fetal Electrocardiography,” In the proc. of National Conference on Control and Instrumentation, Kurukshetra, India, Dec29-30, 2007.

[12] Prerna gaur and Amit Kumar, “Developments of Nonlinear Adaptive Control and its Future Directions,” In the proc. of National Conference on Recent Advances and Trends in Electrical Engineering held in Chandigarh, February, 13-14 2008.

International Conferences

[1]      Prerna Gaur, Bhim Singh, A.P.Mittal,“Implementation of ANFIS Controller based Algorithm Measuring Speed to eliminate RDC Hardware in Resolver based PMSM”, In Proc of International Conference on Advancement in Energy, Drive & Control (ICAEDC-2017), April 2017.

[2]     Nitin Shukla, Priyanka Singh, Prerna gaur, “Modified Variable Step Incremental-Conductance MPPT Technique for Photovoltaic System”, Presented in IEEE Indicom 2018.

[3]     Diwakar Pathak and Prerna Gaur, “Output Power Control of Wind Energy System by Tip Speed Ratio Control using Fractional PIβDα Controller”, presented in IEEE Indicom 2018.

[4]     Manisha and Prerna gaur, “A Review of MPPT Techniques For Photovoltaic Systems,” presented in IEEE Indiacom 2018.