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D. K. Singh
Professor and Head
B.Sc (Mech. Engg.), M.E., Ph.D
(011) 25000218 (O)

Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from NIT Patna, formerly known as Bihar College of Engineering (BCE) Patna. Completed Master of Engineering (M.E.) with specialization in Thermal Engineering from BIT Mesra, Ranchi; and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun.

Areas of Interest

1. Just-in-Time (JIT)

2. Supply Chain Management (SCM)

3. Total Quality Management (TQM)

4. Management Information System (MIS)

5. Mechanics of Materials and Processes



Publications in International Journals


Publications in National Journals


Publications in National Conferences


Publications in International Conferences


Books/Book Chapters


Publications (Click to expand)

List of Research Publications

  1. D.K. Singh and Satyendra Singh, “Synergy of Supply Chain Management and Information Technology in JIT”, Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering (JMSME),Vol. 5, Issue 2, April-June 2018, pp. 83-88.
  2. D. K. Singh and A. Trivedi, “Quality Management in Educational Institutions”, International Journal of Recent Research Aspects (IJRRA), Vol. 5, Issue 1, March 2018, pp. 40-44.
  3. S. Choudhary, S. K. Nayak, A. Malik and D. K. Singh, “Important Issues in Supply Chain Management and Development”, International Journal of Recent Research Aspects (IJRRA), Vol. 5, Issue 1, March 2018, pp. 45-54.
  4. A. Kataria and D. K. Singh, “Analysis of Supply Chain Challenges Using Interpretive Structural Model”, Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM), Vol. 5,Issue 2, January-March 2018, pp. 105-109.
  5. N. Singh and D. K. Singh, “A Mathematical Model-Based Supplier Selection”, Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM), Vol. 5, Issue 2, January-March 2018,pp. 118-121.
  6. H. Joshi and D. K. Singh, “Optimal Transportation Cost Using Genetic Algorithm”, Journal of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering (JAAE), Vol. 5, Issue 1, January-March 2018, pp. 17-19. 
  7. S. K. Suman, S. Chauhan and D. K. Singh, “A Mathematical Model to Optimize Cost in Reverse Logistics”, Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM), Vol. 5, Issue 2, January-March 2018, pp. 110-113.
  8. S. Rawat, T.K. Singh and D. K. Singh, “Forecasting Methods for Determining Food Demand”, Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM), Vol. 5, Issue 2, January-March 2018, pp. 114-117.
  9. P. Dwivedi, D.K. Singh and P. Chamoli, “Application of AHP and PAM in Green Manufacturing”, Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering (JMSME), Vol. 5, Issue 1, January-March 2018, pp. 23-26.
  10. S. K. Nayak and  D. K. Singh, “An Approach to Implement Quality Tools in Inventory Management”, IOS-Netherlands and Springer, Germany sponsored first International Conference on Signals, Machines and Automation (SIGMA 2018)  at Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology,  New Delhi, 23-25 February, 2018, pp. 29. 
  11. S. Choudhary, A. Jacob, A. Trivedi and  D. K. Singh, “Impact of Demonetization on Indian Economy”, Indian Journal of Economics and Development (IJED), Vol. 5, Issue 4, April 2017, pp. 1-7.
  12. D. K. Singh and Satyendra Singh, “Supply Chain Management: A Buyer-Supplier Perspective and JIT”, IEEE Conference Proceedings (978-1-5090-6140-2/2017/© 2017 IEEE) of International Conference on Quality, Productivity, Reliability, Optimization and Modeling (ICQPROM 2017),  Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad (India), 5-7 January, 2017, pp. 25-28.
  13. D. K. Singh and Satyendra Singh, “JIT: Various Aspects of its Implementation” International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), Vol. 3, Issue 3, May-June 2013, pp.1582-1586.
  14. D. K. Singh and Satyendra Singh, “Working with JIT requires a Flexible Approach”,IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (An International Journal),Vol. 5, Issue 6, March-April 2013, pp.24-28. 
  15. D. K. Singh and Satyendra Singh, “JIT: A Strategic Tool of Inventory Management”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 3,Issue 2, March-April 2013, pp. 133-136. 
  16. D. K. Singh, “Kaizen Approach to Implement JIT”, GITAM Journal of Management,Vol. 10, No. 3, July-September 2012, pp.226-232.
  17. D. K. Singh, “Synergy of JIT and Stockout Situations in Manufacturing”, Prestige International Journal of Management and Research, Vol. 2 and 3, No.2 and 1, July 2009- January 2010, pp.41-47. 
  18. D. K. Singh, “Quality Management: An Essential Ingredient for JIT Implementation”, Productivity, Vol. 49, No. 4, January-March 2009, pp.327-334.
  19. D. K. Singh, “Manufacturing Competitiveness through JIT”, Industrial Engineering Journal, Vol. II, Issue 5, November 2009, pp.26-29. 
  20. D. K. Singh, “Effect of Manufacturing Environment on JIT Implementation”, Rai Management Journal, Vol. 6, Issue II, October 2008, pp.55-60. 
  21. D. K. Singh, “Manufacturing Flexibility and JIT”, PCTE Journal of Business Management (An International Journal), Vol. 5, No. 1, Jan-June 2008, pp.103-106.
  22. D. K. Singh, “JIT Implementation and Indian Industries”, GITAM Journal of Management, Vol. 6, No. 4, Oct-Dec 2008, pp.120-128.
  23. D. K. Singh, “JIT & TQM: Synergistic Approach can lead to World Class Manufacturing”, Prestige Journal of Management and Research, Vol.11, No.1,April 2007, pp.82-92.
  24. D. K. Singh and S. Sharma, “JIT Implementation in Strategic Business Environment through Information Technology”, Industrial Engineering Journal, Vol.36, No.07,July 2007, pp.17-20. 
  25. D. K. Singh, “An Automated JIT Manufacturing System”, PCTE Journal of Business Management  (An International Journal), Vol. 3, Issue 2, July-December 2006, pp.28-32. 
  26. S. Sharma and D. K. Singh, “JIT Implementation in the Service Sector”, Productivity,     Vol. 47, No. 1-2, April-September 2006, pp. 55-63.
  27. D. K. Singh and S. Sharma, “An Exploration of the components of customer satisfaction affecting JIT Implementation”, Prestige Journal of Management and Research, Vol. 10, No. 1 & 2, April-October 2006, pp. 87-95.
  28. D. K. Singh and S. Sharma, “JIT Manufacturing and Information Technology: An Investigation into their Relationship”, International Conference on Challenges and Opportunities in Information Technology, Nov. 12, 2005, PCTE Ludhiana.
  29. S. Sharma and D. K. Singh, “How does JIT Work?”, Prestige Journal of Management and Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, April 2005, pp. 105-109.
  30. S. Sharma and D. K. Singh, “The Scope of JIT Implementation”, Productivity, Vol. 45,    No. 4, January-March 2005, pp. 628-633. 
  31. S. Sharma and D. K. Singh, “Economic Procurement Cycles in Response to JIT Concept”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Production Engg. Division,   Vol. 85, September 2004, pp. 36-40.
  32. D. K. Singh, “Threats of Ozone Depletion and Environmental Degradation”, 10th ISME Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Dec. 9-11, 1996, DCE Delhi. 
  33. D. K. Singh, “Renewable Energy: The Last Resort”, National Solar Energy Convention, Dec. 28-30, 1992, IIT Delhi. 
  34. D. K. Singh, “Energy – Potential and Conservation”, National Solar Energy Convention, Dec. 28-30, 1992, IIT Delhi.
  35. D. K. Singh, “Quality Control in Development of Balancing Valve”, National Seminar on Energy Conservation and Management, Oct. 10-11, 1991, NIT, Kurukshetra. 
  36. D. K. Singh, “Scope of Energy Conservation in Lighting”, All India Seminar on Thermal Insulation and other Devices for Conservation of Energy, Oct. 9-10, 1991, Institution of Engineers (India), New Delhi.
  37. D. K. Singh, “By-pass Factor for Dehumidifying Coil”, Eight National Symposium on Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Feb. 26-27, 1988, IIT Kanpur. 

List of Books Published

International Publications:

  1. Strength of Materials, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), USA, 2008, 2014.
  2. Fundamentals of Manufacturing Engineering, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), USA, 2008, 2014.
  3. Manufacturing Technology: Theory and Problems, Pearson Education, Singapore, 2004, 2009.
  4. Mechanics of Solids: Theory and Problems, Pearson Education, Singapore, 2002.

National Publications:

  1. Strength of Materials, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2016.
  2. Fundamentals of Manufacturing Engineering, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2014.
  3. Just in Time: Concept and Practices, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2009.
  4. Multiple Choice Questions in Mechanical Engineering, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.
  5. Elements of Mechanical Engineering, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.
  6. Manufacturing Technology, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.
  7. Strength of Materials: Problems and Solutions, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.
  8. Quality Control for Engineers and Managers, Galgotia Publications, New Delhi, 2001.


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