Dr. Rawat is currently an Associate Professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering at NSUT, having served previously as Lecturer (2003-2005) on the ECE department at the Maharaj Agrasen Institute of Technology New Delhi, as Teaching-cum-Research Fellow (Aug. 2005-April. 2008), and as Assistant Professor (April 2008-April 2020) on the ECE department at the Netaji Subhas University of Technology (formerly NSIT), New Delhi. He received his AMIETE in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from the Institution of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering in 2000 and his MTech and PhD in Signal Processing from NSIT, University of Delhi (in 2003 and 2010, respectively).
Dr. Rawat’s research focus is on modelling of circuits using stochastic differential equation, stochastic nonlinear filters, image processing, quantum signal processing and designing of digital systems/wave digital filters/differentiators/Hilbert transformers/microwave filters/fractional order systems using soft computing techniques. Recent thrusts have centered on FPGA implementation of DSP algorithms, and signal processing techniques for next generation wireless systems.
Seven students have obtained PhD degree under his guidance, and all of them are working in academics including faculty positions at DTU, Thapar University, and Indraprastha University etc. Three students have submitted their thesis and currently, two doctoral students are working with him. He has also guided more than 35 MTech theses.
He has more than 50 international journal publications and more than 40 conference publications: topics include trajectory tracking using stochastic nonlinear filters, modelling and noise analysis of circuits using stochastic differential equations, development of least mean phase adaptive filter with application to frequency estimation, realization of quantum gates, designing of optimal digital filters/digital differentiators/digital Hilbert transformers/microwave filters/fractional order systems using soft computing techniques, linear/nonlinear system identification, designing of digital systems with minimum multipliers using wave digital filters, and the FPGA implementation of DSP algorithms.
Dr. Rawat has authored two books namely, ‘Signals and Systems’, and ‘Digital Signal Processing’ published by Oxford University Press (in 2010 and 2014, respectively).
Dr. Rawat is a Fellow of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India) and a Life Member of ISTE (India). His biography has been included in several editions of Marquis' Who's Who, and International Biographical Centre.
List of Recent 03 Publications
[1]. Richa Barsainya, Apoorva Agarwal, Tarun Kumar Rawat, “Optimal Design of Minimum Multiplier Lattice Wave Digital Lowpass Filter using Metaheuristic Techniques”, IET Signal Processing, vol. 12, issue-6, 700- 712, 2018, DOI: 10.1049/iet-spr.2017.0449
[2]. Abhay Sharma, Tarun Kumar Rawat, “Design and FPGA Implementation of Lattice Wave Fractional Order Digital Differentiator”. Microelectronics Journal (Elsevier), Vol. 88, 67-78, 2019, doi.org /10.1016 /j.mejo. 2019.04.013
[3]. Abhay Sharma, Tarun Kumar Rawat, Anjali Agrawal, “Design and FPGA implementation of lattice wave digital notch filter with minimal transient duration," IET Signal Processing, Vol. 14, No. 7, pp. 440-447, 9 2020, doi: 10.1049/iet-spr.2020.0074.
Areas of Interest
- Stochastic differential equation, stochastic nonlinear filters
- Digital signal processing, wave digital filters
- Quantum signal processing
- FPGA implementation of DSP systems
- Signal processing techniques for next generation wireless systems
- Publications in International Journal
- Publications in National Journal
- Publications in National Conferences
- Publications in International Conferences
- Books/Book Chapters
Publications (Click to expand)
- [1]. T. K. Rawat and H. Parthsarathy, “Manoeuvering target tracking with coordinated turn motion using stochastic nonlinear filter”, International journal of Control (Taylor & Francis, UK), vol. 81, Issue 7, pp. 1102-1113, July -2008.
- [2]. Abhirup Lahiri and Tarun Kumar Rawat, ``Noise analysis of single stage fractional-order low-pass filter using stochastic and fractional calculus,’’ ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engg., Electronics and Communications (Thailand), Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 136-143, Thailand, 2009.
- [3]. Tarun Kumar Rawat and Harish Parthasarathy, ``Modeling of an RC circuit using a stochastic differential equation,'' Thammasat International Journal of Science and Technology (Thailand), Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 40-47, April-June 2008.
- [4]. Tarun Kumar Rawat, Abhirup Lahiri and Ashish Gupta, “Noise analysis of single ended input differential amplifier using stochastic differential equation,” International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (WASET, UK), vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 332-337, Summer-2008.
- [5]. Tarun Kumar Rawat and Harish Parthasarathy, “Analysis of continuous time LMS adaptive filter weights using stochastic calculus and Fokker-Planck Kolmogorov equation,” International journal of Tomography and Statistics, Summer 2008, vol. 9, No. S08; pp. 108-115.
- [6]. Tarun Kumar Rawat and Harish Parthasarathy, “Convergence analysis of a continuous- time nonlinear LMS-type algorithm using stochastic calculus,” International Journal of Electronics and Communication (Elsevier), vol. 63, pp. 576-583, 2009, doi: 10.1016/j.aeue.2008.04.009.
- [7]. Ghanapriya Singh, Tarun Kumar Rawat, “Color Image Enhancement by Linear Transformations Solving out of Gamut Problem,” International Journal of Computer Applications (USA), ISSN: 0975-8887, Vol.-6, No-14, pp.28-32, April 2013.
- [8]. Tarun Kumar Rawat, “Analog Least Mean Phase Adaptive filter in Stochastic Differential Equation Formalism,” International Journal of Electronics and Communication (Elsevier), vol. 65, pp. 852-858, 2011, doi:10.1016/j.aeue.2011.02.001.
- [9]. Tarun Kumar Rawat, Harish Parhtasarathy, “On Stochastic Modeling of Linear Circuits,’’ International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, (Wiley), Vol. 38, pp. 259-274, 2010, Ireland.
- [10]. Tarun Kumar Rawat, Harish Parthasarathy, “A Continuous-time Least-Mean Phase adaptive filter for power system frequency estimation”, International journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (Elsevier), vol. 31, pp. 111- 115, 2009.
- [11]. Deepali Aneja, Tarun Kumar Rawat, “Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms for Effective Medical Image Segmentation,” International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (Hong-Kong), 2013, 11, 55-61, DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2013.11.06.
- [12]. Manjeet Kumar, and Tarun Kumar Rawat, “On the Designing of Fractional Order FIR Differentiator Using Radial Basis Function and Window,” WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, E-ISSN: 2224-3488, Vol.-10, pp.838-543, 2014.
- [13]. Manjeet Kumar, and Tarun Kumar Rawat, “Design of a Variable Fractional Delay Filter Using Comprehensive Least Square Method Encompassing All Delay Values,” Journal of Circuits, systems, and Computers, (USA), Vol. 24, No. 8, 2015.
- [14]. Manjeet Kumar and Tarun Kumar Rawat, “Optimal Fractional Delay-IIR Filter Design Using Cuckoo Search Algorithm”, ISA Transactions, (Elsevier), Vol. 59, pp. 39--54, November 2015. (DOI: 10.1016/j.isatra.2015.08.007).
- [15]. Manjeet Kumar, and Tarun Kumar Rawat, “Optimal Design of FIR Fractional order Differentiator using Cuckoo Search Algorithm,” Expert System with Applications; An International Journal, (Elsevier), Vol.-42, pp.3433-3449, 2015.
- [16]. Apoorva Agarwal, Tarun Kumar Rawat, Manjeet Kumar, and D. K. Upadhyay, “Optimal design of FIR high pass filter based on L1 error approximation using real coded genetic algorithm,” Engineering Science and Technology; An International Journal (Elsevier), Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 594-602, 2015.
- [17]. Apoorva Aggarwal, Tarun Kumar Rawat, Dharmendra Kumar Upadhyay, “Design of Optimal Digital FIR Filters using Evolutionary and Swarm Optimization Techniques”, International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Elsevier), Vol. 70, no. 4 pp. 373-385, 2016.
- [18]. Meenakshi Agarwal, Tarun Kumar Rawat, “VLSI Implementation of Lattice Wave Digital Filters Using Fixed Point Arithmetic for Increased Maximum Sampling Frequency”, International Journal of Computer Engineering & Information Technology, Vol. 4, Issue 4, pp. 1-7, 2015, doi:10.4172/2324-9307.1000138.
- [19]. Kumar Gautam, Tarun Kumar Rawat, H. Parthasarathy, and Navneet Sharma, “Realization of quantum gates based on three-dimensional harmonic oscillator in a time-varying electromagnetic field,” Quantum Information Processing (Springer), Vol. 14, No. 9, pp 3279–3302, 2015.
- [20]. Kumar Gautam, Tarun Kumar Rawat, H. Parthasarathy, and Navneet Sharma, “Realization of commonly used quantum gates using perturbed harmonic oscillator,” Quantum Information Processing (Springer), Volume 14, Issue 9, pp 3257–3277, 2015.
- [21]. Manjeet Kumar and Tarun Kumar Rawat, “Fractional Order Digital Differentiator Design Based on Power Function and Least-squares”, International Journal of Electronics (Taylor & Francis), Vol. 103, Issue 10, 1639-1653, 2016.
- [22]. Apoorva Aggarwal, Tarun K. Rawat, Manjeet Kumar, D.K. Upadhyay, “Design of Optimal Band-Stop FIR Filter using L1 based RCGA”, Ain Shams Engineering Journal (Elsevier), DOI: 10.1016/j.asej.2015.11.022, 2015.
- [23]. Apoorva Aggarwal, Manjeet Kumar, Tarun Kumar Rawat and D. K. Upadhyay, “Optimal design of 2-D FIR filters with quadrantally symmetric properties using fractional derivative constraints”, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, (Springer), Vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 2213-2257, 2016.
- [24]. Richa Barsainya, Tarun Kumar Rawat and Rachit Mahendra, “A New Realization of Wave Digital Filters Using GIC and Fractional Bilinear Transform”, Engineering Science and Technology; An International Journal (Elsevier), Volume 19, Issue 1, Pages 429-437, 2016.
- [25]. Manjeet Kumar, Apoorva Apoorva Aggarwal, Tarun Kumar Rawat, Harish Parthasarthy, “Optimal Nonlinear System Identification Using Fractional Delay Second-Order Volterra System”, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, Vol. pp, Issue-99, 1-17, DOI: 10.1109/JAS.2016.7510184, 2016.
- [26]. Apoorva Aggarwal, Tarun Kumar Rawat, Manjeet Kumar, and D. K. Upadhyay. "Efficient Design of Digital FIR Differentiator using L1-Method,” RadioEngineering Journal (Czech Republic), Vol. 25, no. 2 (2015): 383-389.
- [27]. Jesmon G. Paul, Tarun Kumar Rawat, Josna Job “Selective Brain MRI Image Segmentation using Fuzzy C Mean Clustering Algorithm for Tumor Detection,” International Journal of Computer Applications (USA), ISSN: 0975-8887, Vol.-144, No-7, pp.28-31, June-2016.
- [28]. Manjeet Kumar, Apoorva Aggarwal, and Tarun Kumar Rawat. "Bat Algorithm: Application to Adaptive Infinite Impulse Response System Identification." Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (Springer), Volume 41, Issue 9, pp 3587–3604, 2016.
- [29]. Apoorva Aggarwal, Manjeet Kumar, Tarun K. Rawat, and D. K. Upadhyay. "Optimal design of 2-D FIR digital differentiator using L1-norm based cuckoo-search algorithm." Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing (Springer), Volume 28, Issue 4, pp 1569–1587, 2016.
- [30]. Apoorva Aggarwal, Tarun Kumar Rawat, and Dharmendra Kumar Upadhyay. "Optimal Design of L1-norm based IIR Digital Differentiators and Integrators Using the Bat Algorithm.” IET Signal Processing, Vol. 11, Issue-1, 26-35, 2016.
- [31]. Meenakshi Agarwal, Tarun Kumar Rawat, “VLSI Implementation of Fixed-Point Lattice Wave Digital Filters for Increased Sampling Rate”, RadioEngineering Journal (Czech Republic), Vol. 25, no. 2 (2016): 383-389.
- [32]. Manjeet Kumar, Tarun K. Rawat, and Apoorva Aggarwal, "Adaptive Infinite Impulse Response System Identification Using Modified-Interior Search Algorithm with Levy Flight, ISA Transactions, (Elsevier), Vol. 67, pp. 266-279, 2017.
- [33]. Manjeet Kumar, Tarun Kumar Rawat, “Design of Fractional-Order Differentiator using Type-III and Type-IV Discrete Cosine Transform,” Engineering Science and Technology; An International Journal, (Elsevier), Vol. 20, Issue 1, pp. 51-58, 2017.
- [34]. Navneet Sharma, Tarun Kumar Rawat, Harish Parthasarathy and Kumar Gautam “Realization of a Quantum Gate using Gravitational Search Algorithm by Perturbing Three-Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator with an Electromagnetic Field" Quantum Information Processing (Springer), vol.15, issue 6, 2275-2302, June 2016.
- [35]. Richa Barsainya, Tarun Kumar Rawat, Manjeet Kumar “Design of minimum multiplier fractional order differentiator based on lattice wave digital filter,” ISA Transactions, (Elsevier), Vol. 66, pp 404-413, 2016.
- [36]. Richa Barsainya, Meenakshi Agarwal, Tarun Kumar Rawat, “Design and FPGA Implementation of Multiplierless Comb Filter”, Int. Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (Wiley), Vol. 45, Issue 11, pp. 1497-1513. DOI: 10.1002/cta.2324, 2017.
- [37]. Richa Barsainya and Tarun Kumar Rawat, ``Novel Realization of GIC based Wave Digital Filters using Al-Alaoui Transform," Alexandria Engineering Journal (Elsevier), Vol. 57, Issue 3, 1229-1238, 2017 http://doi.org/10.1016/j.aej.2017.03.010.
- [38]. Navneet Sharma, Tarun Kumar Rawat, Harish Parthasarathy and Kumar Gautam, “Optimum Quantum Receivers for detecting weak signals in PAM Communication Systems”, Quantum Information Processing (Springer), Vol. 16, Issue 9, pp. 208-229, 2017.
- [39]. Diya Joseph, Prateek Chawla, Harish Chander, Tarun Kumar Rawat, “A Multipurpose Toolkit for Teaching DSP in an Undergraduate Course,” Computer Applications in Engineering Education (Wiley), Vol. 25, Issue-3, 530-541, DOI: 10.1002/cae.21819, 2017.
- [40]. Richa Barsainya and Tarun Kumar Rawat, ``Novel Design of Recursive Differentiator based on Lattice Wave Digital Filter," RadioEngineering Journal (Czech Republic), Vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 387-395, 2017.
- [41]. Kumar Gautam, Tarun Kumar Rawat, Harish Parthasarathy, Navneet Sharma, Varun Upadhyay, “Realization of the three-qubit quantum-controlled gate based on matching Hermitian generators”, Quantum Information Processing (Springer), Vol. 16, Issue 5, pp. 113-141, 2017.
- [42]. Richa Barsainya, Apoorva Agarwal, Tarun Kumar Rawat, “Optimal Design of Minimum Multiplier Lattice Wave Digital Lowpass Filter using Metaheuristic Techniques”, IET Signal Processing, Vol. 12, Issue-6, 700-712, 2018, DOI: 10.1049/iet-spr.2017.0449.
- [43]. Sandeep Singh, Alaknanda Ashok, Manjeet Kumar, Tarun K. Rawat, “Adaptive Infinite Impulse Response System Identification Using Teacher Learner Based Optimization Algorithm, Applied Intelligence (Springer), Vol. 49, Issue-5, 1785-1802, 2019, doi.org/10.1007/s10489-018-1354-4.
- [44]. Apoorva Aggarwal, Manjeet Kumar, Tarun K. Rawat, “Design of 2-Dimensional FIR Filters with Quadrantally Symmetric Properties Using the 2-D L1-Method”, IET Signal Processing, Vol. 13, Issue-3, 262-270, 2019, DOI: 10.1049/iet-spr.2017.0449.
- [45]. Apoorva Aggarwal, Manjeet Kumar, Tarun K. Rawat, "Design of Digital Differentiator using L1 Method and Swarm Intelligence Based Optimization Algorithms”, Arbian Journal of Science and Engineering, (Springer), Vol., pp., 2018, https://doi.org /10.1007/ s13369-018-3188-0.
Books Published:
1. Tarun Kumar Rawat, Signals and Systems, Oxford University Press, July-2010.
2. Tarun Kumar Rawat, Digital Signal Processing, Oxford University Press, December-2014.
Book Chapters Published:
1. Book Chapter: Nitin Kumar & Tarun Kumar Rawat, Design of Fractional Order Digital Differentiator Using Inverse Multiquadric Radial Basis Function, Series Volume 85, pages 32-49, in Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology, Computer Science and Engineering, Springer Berlin Heidelberg-2012.
Conference Publications:
1. Abhirup Lahiri, Ashsish Gupta, and Tarun Kumar Rawat,Noise Analysis for Single Ended Input Differential Amplifier using Stochastic Differential Equation, IEEE International Conference & Exhibition on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Communication and Information Technology, 6-8 Sep. 2007, Central Power Research Institute, Banglore. (This paper has been awarded the second prize).
2. Nitin Kumar and Traun Kumar Rawat,Design of fractional order digital differentiator using radial basis function, The second International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (CCSIT), vol. 85, pp. 32-49, Jan. -2012.
3. Kamini Upadhyay, Manjeet Kumar, and Tarun Kumar Rawat, Optimal Design of weighted least square based fractional delay FIR filter using genetic algorithm, International Conference on Signal Propagation and Computer Technology (ICSPCT), pp. 53-58, August 2014.
4 Shailey Khare, Manjeet Kumar, and Tarun Kumar Rawat, Window Based Design of Fractional Order FIR Digital Differentiator using Type- III Discrete Cosine Transform, International Conference on Signal Propagation and Computer Technology (ICSPCT), pp. 39-43, August 2014.
5. Apoorva Agawral, Manjeet Kumar, and Tarun Kumar Rawat, L1 Error Criterion Based Optimal FIR Filters, 2014 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), DOI: 10.1109/INDICON.2014.7030639, Page(s): 1
Journal Publications