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Pradeep Kumar Chaswal
Assistant Professor and Associate Head


After being selected by prestigious Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Chaswal is presently serving as Assistant Professor in the Department of Humanities And Social Sciences, NSUT East Campus, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. He has a rich experience of 17 years in teaching, research and mentoring students. Dr.Chaswal has published and presented a large number of research papers in reputed national and international journals, seminars and conferences. His research areas of interest include American Literature, British Literature, Indian Writing in English, Communication Skills, Personality Development and Language Lab. His poems have got published in international anthologies, journals and magazines.


Publications in International Journal


Publications in National Journal


Publications in National Conferences


Publications in International Conferences


Books/Book Chapters


Publications (Click to expand)

a. Chaswal, Pradeep. “A Study of O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh in the\ Light of Pipe Dreams.” Shodhdhara. 6:1. Jan. 2018. ISSN 2320- 2726.

b. Chaswal, Pradeep and Deepak Chaswal. “English for Business Purposes (EBP) in the age of Globalization” Jounal of Engineering & Technology Education,     12:1, January - June, 2018. ISSN 2229- 631X

c. Chaswal, Deepak and Pradeep Chaswal. “Holocaust and loss of  liberal human values in Arthur Miller’s Incident at Vichy: A critical analysis of State Power vs.      Individual Conscience.” Impressions – A Bi-annual Refereed e- Journal of English Studies. 10:2. July 2016.ISSN 0974-892X.


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