Dr Shampa Chakraverty did her BTech in Electronics in Communication from Delhi College of Engineering, M.Tech from I.I.T.-Delhi in Integrated Electronics and Circuits and Ph.D. from Delhi University on thesis titled, “Cosynthesis of Real Time System”.
She worked for 5 years in the industry and subsequently spent 34 years of her career in academics. During this period, she has gained vast experience in teaching, engaging in research & development, and leading collaborative efforts on innovations in education. Her areas of research interest include Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, Security and Trust, and Computational Linguistics. She is on the Editorial boards of reputed national and international Journals and has served in the review panel and steering committees of several international conferences. She has delivered expert lectures extensively in the form of keynote addresses / invited lectures in conferences, in EDUSAT programs and participated in several All India Radio (AIR) panel discussions. She is a recipient of the ISTE National Rajaram Bapu Patil National Award for excellence in Technical Education.
Areas of Interest
- Sentiment, Emotion and Human Language Analysis
- E-Learning and Engineering Pedagogy
- Information Retrieval and Analysis
- Computer Security – Trust and Digital Watermarking
- Design Exploration of Multiprocessor Architectures
- Publications in International Journals
- Publications in National Journals
- Publications in National Conferences
- Publications in International Conferences
- Books/Book Chapters
- Publications (Click to expand)
1) Kanika, S. Chakraverty, P. Chakraborty, S. Agnihotri, S. Mohapatra and P. Bansal,KELDEC: A Recommendation System for Extending Classroom Learning with Visual Environmental Cues. 3rd International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval, Tokushima University, Tokushima, Japan. June 28-30, 2019. Accepted for presentation and publication in International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM.
2) Bhatia, K., Chakraverty, S., Nagpal, S., Kumar, A. “Project Portfolio Management (PPM) in Education Domain using Skill Matcher Model. In: International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology (ICETIT), Accepted for presentation and publishing in Springer book series, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, (LNEE), Delhi, India, 22nd June 2019.
3) Bhatia, K., Chakraverty, S., Nagpal, S., Poddar, A., Lamba, M., “A Novel Approach for Project’s Technical and Non-Technical Skill Extraction,” In: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON-2019), Accepted for presentation and publishing in IEEEXplore, Delhi, India, 27-28 Sept 2019.
4) Kanika, S. Chakraverty, P. Chakraborty, S. Agnihotri, P. Bansal and S. Mohapatra, “Linking Classroom Studies with Dynamic environment,” International Conference on Computing, Power and Technologies (GUCON), Noida, India, September 27-28, 2019. Accepted for presentation and publication in IEEE Xplore)
5) Sushma Hans, Shampa Chakraverty, “Learning with Skills Oriented Collaborations,” Intl. Journal of Learning Technology, Inderscience, 2017, Scopus, (for publication).
6) Sushma Hans, Shampa Chakraverty, Aditya Bindal, “An adaptive aco-driven scheme for learning aim oriented personalized e-learning,” ICTACT Journal on Soft Computing, Special Issue on Distributed Intelligent Systems and Applications, October 2014, volume: 05, issue: 01, ISSN: 2229-6956(online), pp 850-859. Available at: http://ictactjournals.in/paper/IJSC_Splissue_Oct2014_Paper_4_850_859.pdf
7) Sushma Hans, S. Chakraverty, “A Skill based Pairing Scheme for Effective Collaborations,” IEEE India Intl Conf on Information Processing, 12-14 Aug, 2016.
8) Sushma Hans, S. Chakraverty. A Novel evaluation Scheme using Formal Concept Analysis. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Research India Publication, ISSN 0973-4562, vol 11(1), 2016, pp. 479-483. Scopus, 2016 Web link: https://www.ripublication.com/ijaer16/ijaerv11n1_72.pdf
9) Sushma Hans, S. Chakraverty, “Ability Based Collaborative Pairing and Grouping among learners,” Intl Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, ISSN: 2277-3754, Volume 5, Issue 8, February 2016, pp: 41-51. Web Link: http://www.ijeit.com/Vol%205/Issue%208/IJEIT1412201602_09.pdf
10) Sushma Hans, S. Chakraverty, “Learning Aim Oriented Personalized E-learning,” Intl. Journal of Innovative and Emerging research in Engineering, Vol 3(2), 2016, pp. 78-85. DOAJ, Google scholar, Web Link:http://ijiere.com/(X(1)S(fldvr2j3jg4yhld1zbswuglb))/FinalPaper/FinalPaperLearning%20Aim%20Oriented%20Personalized%20System170626.pdf
11) S.Chakraverty, G.Rani, A.Bardhan, “Profiling E-Governance Users using Bi clustering,” Intl. Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, vol. 3, Issue 1, July 2013, Available at:http://ijeit.com/Vol%203/Issue%201/IJEIT1412201307_99.pdf
12) G. Rani and S. Chakraverty, “Survey of E-Governance Systems with focus on Development Approaches and Interface Quality”, in Jour. Interscience Management Review (IMR) ISSN: 2231-1513 , Vol-2,Issue-2, pp. 34, 2012. Available at:http://interscience.in/IMR_Vol2Iss2/IMR_paper7.pdf
13) Sushma Hans, S. Chakraverty; “Classification of e-learning on Personalization: A Survey”, In Proc. of Intl. Conference on Communication Languages and Signal Processing in Reference to 4G Technologies, 24-25 Jan, 2012 (ICCLSP-2012).
14) Arjun Singh, Ashish Sachdeva, Shampa Chakraverty, “A collaborative software development model based on formal concepts analysis and stable matching,” IEEExplore Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV-2013) 2nd IEEE Intl Conf on, Bangladesh, Pages 1-6, May 17-18, 2013, print ISBN: 978-1-4799-0397-9, DOI 10.1109/ICIEV.2013.6572676. Available at:http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6572676G.
15) Arjun Singh, Ashish Sachdev, Shampa Chakraverty, “A genetic algorithm for task allocation in collaborative software development using formal concept analysis,” IEEE Intl. Conf. on Recent Advances in Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE 2014), May .9-11, 2014. Available at:http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6909305&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D6909305
16) Rani & S. Chakraverty, “Boosting User Interactivity in E-Governance” In Proc. of Intl. Conference on Communication Languages and Signal Processing in Reference to 4G Technologies, 24-25 Jan, 2012 (ICCLSP-2012).
17) Shampa Chakraverty, Sushma Hans, Vaibhav Mittal, “ACO-driven Personalized E-learning with Perspectives and Learning Aims,” In Proc. of 11th Intl Conf on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government - EEE'12: July 16-19, 2012, USA.
18) G. Rani, S. Chakraverty, D. Anand, B. Singla, “Dynamic Recommendation System for E-Governance,” In Proc. of 11th Intl Conf on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government - EEE'12: July 16-19, 2012, USA.
19) Shampa Chakraverty, “Towards Innovative Pedagogy in the Engineering Classroom,”Higher Education Review, Sept 2014, pp40-41 (Invited Article)
20) S. Chakraverty, “Overlapped Concepts Pedagogy for Advanced Computer Architecture,” Springer Proceedings of IUCEE Intl Conf of Transformations in Engineering Education, 2014, 16-18 Jan, Hubli, Karnataka, 2014. http://www.springer.com/engineering/book/978-81-322-1930-9
21) Yash Bhardwaj, S. Chakraverty, “A design pattern for symmetric encryption,” IEEExplore Control, Computing, Communication and Materials-ICCCCM-2013, doi: 10.1109/ICCCCM.2013 IEEE Intl. Conf. on, pp.1-6, August 3-4, 2013, UIT-Allahabad, India. Available at:http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6648912&
22) S. Chakraverty,”VLSI Education, A synergetic approach”, Proc. of ISTE Workshop on Challenges in Technical Education - 2004, Dec l8-24, N.S.I.T. New Delhi.
23) S. Chakraverty, ”Challenges in VLSI education: A survey of students’ perspectives” Proc. of National Conf. on Challenges in Technology and Management in Knowledge Millennium, Jind, India, March 2006.
1) Sunny Rai, Shampa Chakraverty, Devendra Tayal, Divyanshu Sharma, Ayush Garg, “Understanding metaphors using emotions,” J. of New Generation Computing, Springer Nature, print version: January 2019, Volume 37, Issue 1, pp 5–27 (23 pages), ISSN: 0288-3635, First online: 11 Sept 2018, ISSN: 1882-7055.
Available at: http://doi.org/10.1007/s00354-018-0045-3.
2) Rai S., Garg A., Chakraverty S. (2019) Understanding the Role of Visual Features in Emoji Similarity. In: Akoglu L., Ferrara E., Deivamani M., Baeza-Yates R., Yogesh P. (eds) Advances in Data Science. ICIIT 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 941. Springer, Singapore, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-3582-2_7
3) Sunny Rai, Shampa Chakraverty, Devendra K Tayal, Yash Kukreti; A Study on Impact of Context on Metaphor Detection, The Computer Journal, April 2018, Oxford University Press, Indexed by SCIE, Scopus, IF 0.711, 5-year IF: 0.930, H-Index 51, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1093/comjnl/bxy032
4) Rai S., Chakraverty S, et al, “Soft Metaphor Detection using Fuzzy C-Means, “ in: Ghosh A, Pal, R, Prasath R (Eds), Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration. MIKE 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10682, Springer Cham, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71928-3_38
5) Srishti Sharma, Shampa Chakraverty, Anisha Jauhri (2017), “Leveraging Polarity Switches and Domain Ontologies for Sentiment Analysis in Text”, In: Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics. CICBA 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 775, pp 84-92. Springer, Singapore. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-6427-2_7
6) Srishti Sharma, Shampa Chakraverty, Namrata Mukhija, “Sarcasm Detection in Online Review Text”, Intl Conf TEAMC 2018, March 26-28-2018, New Delhi, ICTACT Intl. Journal of Soft Computing, DOI: 10.21917/ijsc.2018.0233
7) Sunny Rai, Shampa Chakraverty, Ayush Garg, “Effect of Classifiers on Type-III Metaphor Detection,” Intl Conf TEAMC 2018, March 26-28-2018, New Delhi, Towards Extensible and Adaptable Methods in Computing. Springer, Singapore. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-2348-5_18
8) Sharma, S., Chakraverty, S., Sharma, A. and Kaur, J. ‘A context-based algorithm for sentiment analysis’, Indescience J. Computational Vision and Robotics, Publ Elseiver, Vol 7, No. 5, 2017. DOI: 10.1504/IJCVR.2017.10005890
9) Rai, S., Chakraverty, S., Tayal, D. K., & Kukreti, Yash (2017, Dec). Soft Metaphor Detection using Fuzzy c-means. MIKE-2017, Hyderabad. LNAI(LNCS). Springer. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71928-3 _ 38
10) Shampa Chakraverty, Srishti Sharma, Ikshu Bhalla, “Emotion-Location Mapping and Analysis using Twitter,” Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, Vol. 14, No. 3 (2015) 1550022. Scopus, 2015.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219649215500227
11) Sunny Rai, Shampa Chakraverty, Devendra Tayal, “Supervised Metaphor Detection using Conditional Random Fields,” Fourth Workshop on Metaphor in Natural Language Processing, NAACL-HLT, San Diego, June 17, 2016 pages 18–27.
12) Sunny Rai, Shampa Chakraverty, Devendra K. Tayal, “Identifying metaphors using fuzzy conceptual features,” Intl Conf on Information, Communication and Computer Technology, ICICCT 2017, May 13, 2017, New Delhi.
13) Sunny Rai, Shampa Chakraverty, “Modeling approximations and imprecision in metaphor detection using Fuzzy rough sets,” Intl Joint Conf. on Rough Sets, July 3-7, 2017, Olztyn, Poland, In: Polkowski L. et al. (eds) Rough Sets. IJCRS 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10313. Springer, Cham.
14) Srishti Sharma, Shampa Chakraverty, Anisha Jouhri,” Leveraging Polarity Switches and Domain Ontologies for Sentiment Analysis in Text,” First Intl. Conf on Computational Intelligence, Communications and Business Analytics, 24-25 March, 2017, Kolkata, India.
15)Srishti Sharma, Shampa Chakraverty, “Tracking Context Switches in Text Documents and its Application to Sentiment Analysis”, International Conference on Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (ICMETE) ICMETE 22-23 Sept, 2016. DOI: 10.1109/ICMETE.2016.33
16) Srishti Sharma, Shampa Chakraverty, “An Approach to Track Context Switches in Sentiment Analysis”, International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering (ICACIE), C.V. Raman Col of Engg, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa, India, 15-16 Dec, 2016 and In: Progress in Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 564, pp 273-282. Springer, Singapore. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-6875-1_27.
17) Saraswat, M., Chakraverty, S., Mahajan, N., and Tokas, N. (2016, October). On using reviews and comments for cross domain recommendations and decision making. In Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), 2016 3rd International Conference on (pp. 3656-3659). IEEE. Web link : http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7724944/
1) Mala Saraswat, Shampa Chakraverty, “Review based Topic distribution profile for Recommender Systems ", Intl Conf on Data Sciences, Security and Applications (ICDSSA 2019), 7-8 March, 2019, (LNCS -EE – ISSN -1876-1100)
2) Mala Saraswat, Shampa Chakraverty et al, “Cross Domain Recommendation using Vector modelling and Genre Correlations,” in Proc of Intl Conf TEAMC 2018 & Ictact Journal On Soft Computing, April 2018, Volume: 08, Issue: 03, ISSN: 2229-6956 (ONLINE), DOI: 10.21917/ijsc.2018.0229.
3) Aseem Mittal, Shampa Chakraverty, “IoT based Weather and Location Aware Recommendation System, “ In IEEExplore Intll Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science and Engineering Confluence 2018, New Delhi, PP: 636 – 643.
4) Saraswat, M. and Chakraverty, S., “Leveraging Movie Recommendation Using Fuzzy Emotion Features,” In Proceedings International Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Engineering and Technology, REDSET 2017,October 2017, CCIS Book Series, Springer, Singapore, pp 475-483, Scopus indexed. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-8527-7_40
5) Shampa Chakraverty, Mala Saraswat, “Review based emotion profile for cross domain recommendation,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, (2017), Springer, Online: pp 1-24, online version doi:10.1007/s11042-017-4767-x.
6) Mala Saraswat, Shampa Chakraverty, “Evaluation of Emotion based Recommender System,” 4th Intl Conf. 4th Intl Conf. on Computing for Sustainable Global Development and 11th INDIACom – 2017, 01st - 03rd March, 2017 at Bharati Vidyapeeth, New Delhi (INDIA) Conference Proceedings (ISSN 0973 - 7529 and ISBN 978-93-80544-24-3 serials).
7) Gaurav Saxena, Shampa Chakraverty, “Relation Extraction and enriching structural knowledge in wikipedia article,” 4th Intl Conf. on Computing for Sustainable Global Development and 11th INDIACom – 2017, 01st - 03rd March, 2017 at Bharati Vidyapeeth, New Delhi (INDIA), Conference Proceedings (ISSN 0973 - 7529 and ISBN 978-93-80544-24-3 serials),
8) Gaurav Saxena, S. Chakraverty, “Generating word clusters by graph clustering using Hearst Patterns,” IEEE India Intl Conf on Information Processing, Delhi Technical University, New Delhi, India,12-14 Aug, 2016.
9) Mala Saraswat, Shampa Chakraverty, "Exploiting Rich Side Information Sources of User and Items for Cross Domain Collaborative Recommendation,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques and Implementations, pp, 6-10, 8-10 Oct 2015. ISBN: 978-1-4673-6792-9 Available at: ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel7/7484993/7489530/07489629.pdf?arnumber=7489629
10) S. Chakraverty and U. Pandey, “Dual Lexical Chaining for Context Based Text Classification,” Proc. Of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Advances in Computer Engineering and Applications, IMSEC Gaziabad, 19-20 March, 2015 (accepted for publ by IEEExplore)
11) Nikhil, Nilanjana, Shampa, Gurmeet Singh, “Adaptive Content Based Textual Information Source Prioritization,” ICTACT Journal on Soft Computing, Special Issue on Distributed Intelligent Systems and Applications, October 2014, volume: 05, issue: 01, ISSN: 2229-6956(online), pp 850-859. Available at: http://ictactjournals.in/paper/IJSC_Splissue_Oct2014_Paper_1_829_835.pdf
12) Kanchan Lata, Shampa Chakraverty, “Handling Data Incompleteness using Rough Sets on Multiple Decision Systems”, IEEE Intl. Conf. on Data Mining and Intelligent Computing, ICDMIC 2014, 5-6 August, 2014, New Delhi, IEEExplore DOI: 10.1109/ICDMIC.2014.6954243, pp 1-6.. Available at:
13) Trisha Mittal, Prachi Gupta, S. Chakraverty, “Application of rough sets in the diagnosis of the depressed state of mind,” IEEExplore Recent Advances in Engineering and Computational Science IEEE Intl. Conf. on, pp 1-6, March 6-8, 2014, Chandigarh, India, Available at:
14) Amit kumar Singh, Dhruv Bansal, Ishan Bansal, Shampa Chakraverty, “Extracting important tweets of a use: a rough set approach,” IEEExplore Confluence-2013, The Next Generation Information Technology Summit on the theme: Mega Trends of IT (S.M.A.C) Intl. Conf. on, 26-27 September, Amity University, NOIDA, U.P., India. Available at: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6832332
15) S. Chakraverty, A. Gupta, A. Goyal, A. Singhal, “Data Mining on Grids” SpringerLink Contemporary Computing, Fourth Intl. Conf. on, JIIT University, NOIDA, Aug 8-10, 2011.Available at: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-22606-9_36
16) S. Arora and S. Chakraverty, “A Parallel Algorithm to Evaluate Contextual Features for Term Weighting,” IEEExplore Information and Communication Technologies World Congress on, 11-14 Dec, 2012, pp 951-956, DOI 10.1109/WICT.2011.6141376
17) U. Pandey, S. Chakraverty, M. Sharma, R. Jain, “Context Based Document Classification using Support Vector Machine”, In Proc. of Intl. Conference on Communication Languages and Signal Processing in Reference to 4G Technologies, 24-25 Jan, 2012 (ICCLSP-2012).
18) U. Pandey, S. Chakraverty et al, “Semantic Based Category-Keyword List Enrichment for Document Classification”, Springerlink Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 1st Intl. Conf. on, Delhi, India, 25-27th May 2012. Available at: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-30157-5_30U.
19) U. Pandey, A. Arora, H. Syal, S.Chakraverty, “Semi-Supervised HSK-means algorithm for Contextual Document Classification”, Intl. Jour. of Computer Sciences and its Application, Vol.1, issue 1, Pages 144-147, 25thApril 2012.
20) U. Pandey and S. Chakraverty, “A Review of Text Classification Approaches for E-mail Management”, Intl. Jour. of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 2, April 2011, pp 137-144. Available at:http://www.ijetch.org/papers/212-L024.pdf
21) U. Pandey, S. Chakraverty, Rahul Jain, “Context Driven Technique for Document Classification”, Intl. Journal on Network Security, Pages 23-27, Vol. 2, No.2, April 2011.http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/75/21/49/PDF/196.pdf
22) Silky Arora and S. Chakraverty, “A Parallel Approach to Context-based Term Weighting,” IEEExplore Information and Communication Technologies WICT’11,World Congress on, Mumbai, India, Dec 11-14, 2011, pp 951-956.http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6141376
23) Pandey, S. Chakraverty, B. Juneja, A. Arora, P. Jain, “Semantic document classification using lexical chaining and fuzzy approach”, Intl. Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-1, Issue-5, Pages 367-371, November 2011. Available at:http://www.ijsce.org/attachments/File/Vol-1_Issue-5/E0245101511.pdf
24) U. Pandey, S. Chakraverty, R. Mihani, R. Sharma, R Arya and S. Rathore, “A fuzzy approach for context driven document classification”, Proc. 2nd Intl Conf. on Advances in Computer Science ACS-2010, Dec 21-22, 2010, Trivandrum, Kerala, India.
25) P. Malik, Y. Bhaskar, S. Chakraverty, ”A neural network based application to forecast vegetable prices in regulated markets,” Proc. ISTE Conf. on Technology on Rural India: Challenges and Perspectives, pp 35-40, New Delhi, 2008.
26) G. Pagrut and S. Chakraverty, “A Question answering system for rural development,” ,” Proc. ISTE Conf. on Technology on Rural India: Challenges and Perspectives, pp 76-82, New Delhi, 2008.
1) Anuradha Yadav, Shampa Chakraverty, Ritu Sibal, “A Framework for Classifying Trust for Online Systems,” Journal of World Wide Web, Internet and Web Information Systems, Springer Nature, First online: 10 Aug 2018, pp 1-23 (23 pages), ISSN:1386-145X (print), 1573-1413 (Online)Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-018-0626-6
2) Anuradha Yadav, Shampa Chakraverty, Ritu Sibal, “Implicit Trust Propagation”, Intl Conf on Data Sciences, Security and Applications (ICDSSA 2019), 7-8 March, 2019, (LNCS -EE – ISSN -1876-1100).
3) Vidhi Khanduja, Shampa Chakraverty, “Fragile watermarking of Decision system using Rough set theory, “Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Feb 2018, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-018-3120-7
4) S. Chakraverty, Anuradha Yadav, Ritu Sibal, “On evaluating the effectiveness of rating similarity on implicit trust,” Journal of Social Network Analysis and Mining (2016) 6: 98. Scopus. doi:10.1007/s13278-016-0395-0 Springer Vienna, 2016
5) V. Khanduja, S. Chakraverty, O.P. Verma, “Enabling information recovery with ownership using robust multiple watermarks,” Journal of Information Security and Applications, Volume 29, August 2016, Pages 80–92, Publ: Elsevier, Scopus, DOI: 10.1016/j.jisa.2016.03.005. Available at:
6) V. Khanduja, S. Chakraverty, O.P. Verma, “Watermarking Categorical Data: Algorithm and Robustness Analysis,” Defence Science Journal, Vol. 65, No. 3, May 2015, pp.226-232, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.65.8444.
7) Vidhi Khanduja, Shampa Chakraverty, O.P. Verma, "Ownership and Tamper detection of Relational Data: Framework, Techniques and Security Analysis”, Book Chapter in Embodying Intelligence in Data Hiding, Editors: C.W. Ahn, M. Ali, M. Pant, GCSR Vol. 5, pp. 21-36, 2016 Pub: Science Gate Publishing. DOI: 10.15579/gcsr.vol5.ch2
8) V. Khanduja, S. Chakraverty, O.P. Verma, “Enabling information recovery with ownership using robust multiple watermarks,” Journal of Information Security and Applications, Volume 29, August 2016, Pages 80–92, Publ: Elsevier, Scopus, DOI: 10.1016/j.jisa.2016.03.005. Available at:http://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S2214212616300175.
9) Anuradha Yadav, Shampa Chakraverty, Ritu Sibal "A Survey of Implicit Trust on Social Networks ", International Conference on Green Computing and
Internet of Things (ICGCIoT 2015), 8-10 Oct, 2015, pp 1511-1515, Available at:ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=7380706
10) V. Khanduja, O.P. Verma, S. Chakraverty, “Watermarking relational databases using bacteria foraging algorithm,” SpringerLink Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Oct 2013. Available at:link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11042-013-1700-9
11) V. Khanduja, S. Chakraverty, O.P. Verma, Neha Singh, “A Robust Biometric Watermarking Technique of Web Databases for Ownership Proof with Identification,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Active Media Technology, 10th Intl. Conf AMT-214, Poland, Warsaw, Aug 11-14, 2014, Vol. 8610, 2014, pp 212-225, Springer. Available at:http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-09912-5_18
12) V. Khanduja, S. Chakraverty, O.P. Verma, Sahil Goel, Rakshita Tandon, “A Robust Multiple Watermarking Technique for Information,” IEEExplore Advanced Computing, IEEE Intl Conf. on, pp.250,255, Feb 21-22, 2014, Gurgaon, India, doi: 10.1109/IAdCC.2014.6779329, Available at IET digital library: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6779329
13) V. Khanduja, S. Chakraverty, O.P Verma, “Robust watermarking for categorical data,” IEEE Intl Conf of Comtrol, Computing, Communication and Materials-ICCCCM-2013, August 3-4, 2013, UIT-Allahabad, India (Abstract).
1) Shampa Chakraverty, Anubhav Agarwal, Broteen Kundu, Anil Kumar, “An availability model for self-test and repair processes in fault tolerant FPGA systems,” SpringerLink Journal of Electronics (China), August 2014, Volume 31, Issue 4, pp 271-283. Available at:http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11767-0143168-9
2) A.Kumar, S. Chakraverty, “A Fuzzy Cuckoo Search driven methodology for design space exploration of distributed multiprocessor systems,” Book Title “Embedded and Real Time System Development: A Software Engineering Perspective,” Publ Springer, 2014, ISBN 978-3-642-40887-8. Available at:
3) Upasna Sharma and Shampa Chakraverty , “A novel approach for providing fault tolerance to FPGA-based reconfigurable systems.” Intl. Jour. of Engg. And Technology 2012, Vol.4, No. 6, 2012, pp 821-825. Available at:
4) S. Chakraverty, Anubhav Agarwal, Amogh Agarwal, Anil Kumar, Anubhav Sikri, “Design Space Exploration for High Availability drFPGA based Embedded Systems,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Advanced Machine Learning Techniques and Applications AMLTA-2012, 1st Intl. Conf. on, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 234-243, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-35326-0_24. Available at:
5) A. Kumar, S. Chakraverty, ”User centric electronic design automation for automobiles electronic,” Workshop on System Level-Design of Automotive Electronics/Software, SLDAES 2012 in the 49th Design Automation Conference, San Fransisco, 3-7 July, 2012.
6) S. Chakraverty, A. Kumar, I. Maheshwari, M. Goyal, A. Vadhera, “Design Exploration for Fault Tolerance on FPGA,” Intl. Workshop on System Level-Design of Automotive Electronics/Software SLDAES in the 49th Design Automation Conference -2012 in, San Fransisco, 3-7 July, 2012.
7)A. Kumar and S Chakarverty, “Reliable hardware software codesign”, Presented in 9th Intl Conf on mobile systems, applications and services, Mobysys2011, PhD Forum, June 28 to July 1, 2011, Washington DC USA.
8)A.Kumar, S. Chakerverty. “Fuzzy Logic based GA driven Reliable Multiprocessor System Design Optimization.” Presented in 4th Workshop on Parallel Architectures and Bioinspired Algorithms PABA 2011, Galveston Island, Texas, USA, Oct. 10-14, 2011.
9)Anil Kumar, S. Chakerverty. “Co-synthesis for graceful degradation.” Presented in IEEE Intl. Integrated Reliability Workshop (IIRW), Stanford Sierra Conference Center South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA, 16 Oct - 20 Oct 2011.
10)A. Kumar, S.Chakerverty. “Fault-Tolerant Embedded System Co-design.” Journal of Computing, 2, no. 9, pp. 132-137, Sept. 2010.
11) A.Kumar and S. Chakraverty, “Service Availability Driven Re-configurable Embedded System Design” Book Chapter in Information Intelligence, Systems, Technology and Management , S. Dua, S.Sahni and D.P. Goyal (eds), pp 265-276 and in Proc.5th Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 141,Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, March 2011. Available at:
12) Anil Kumar and S. Chakarverty, “Design optimization for reliable embedded system using cuckoo search”, IEEExplore Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT2011), Intl. Conf. on, Kanyakumari, India, April 8 -10, 2011. Available at:
13) Anil Kumar and S. Chakarverty,“Design optimization using Genetic Algorithm and Cuckoo Search”, IEEExplore Intl. Conf. on Electro/Information Technology (EIT2011),Mankato, MN, USA, May 15-17, 2011. Available at:
14) A. Kumar, S. Chakerverty. “A Fuzzy-based Design Exploration scheme for High Availability Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems.” eMinds: Intl. Jour. on Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 1-22, 2008.
15) S. Chakraverty, A. Kumar. “A rule-based availability-driven co-synthesis scheme.” Jour. Design Automation for Embedded Systems (Special Issue: SystemC), 11, no. 2-3, pp. 193-222, Aug. 2007
16) S. Chakraverty, K. Jain and K. Sanghi “ A novel fuzzy approach for providing QoS control in limited energy Real-Time systems”, Proc. of IEEE Conf. of VLSI Design, Hyderabad, India, 3-7 Jan, 2006.
17) S. Chakraverty, ”Issues in Embedded System Design” Proc. of workshop on VLSI and Embedded Systems, M.N.I.T., Jaipur, Feb 2004.
18) S. Chakraverty,”An availability model for cosynthesis of Real time systms”, Proc. of IEEE VLSI Design and Test 2003, I.I.Sc Bangalore India, pp 152-160, Aug 2003.
19) S. Chakraverty, C.P. Ravikumar and D. RoyChoudhuri, “A hierarchical genetic algorithm for hardware software cosynthesis with a stochastic approach,” Indian Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) Journal of Research, vol. 48, No. 5, pp 349-360, Sept-Oct. 2002.
20) S. Chakraverty, C.P. Ravikumar and D.Roy Choudhuri,” An evolutionary algorithm for cosynthesis of Real-Time systems,” Proc. of IEEE & ASP-DAC conference on VLSI Design-2002, Bangalore, India, pp.251-259, 2002.
21) S.Chakraverty and C.P. Ravikumar, “A stochastic scheduling algorithm for real-time systems,” Proceedings IEEE VLSI Design and Test(VDAT-2001), Bangalore, pp.189-194, August 2001.
22) S. Chakraverty, C.P. Ravikumar and D.Roychoudhuri, “Synthesis of performance critical heterogeneous computing systems using genetic algorithm under a stochastic framework,” Procs of Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Computing and VLSI, Kalyani University, Kalyani,West Bengal,pp.123-128,Feb.2001.
23) S. Chakraverty and C.P.Ravikumar,”A stochastic framework for cosynthesis of real-time systems,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS Languages and Tools for Embedded Systems LCTES 2000, Intl Conf. on, vol. 1985, pp.96-213, 2001,.
24) S.Chakraverty and C.P.Ravikumar,”Estimating the deadline miss probability in real-time embedded systems,” Proc. of Intl. Workshop on VLSI Design and Test VDAT-1999, New Delhi, India, 1999.
25) S.Chakraverty, “Hardware Software cosynthesis of a multiprjocessor system for real-time applications,” Proc. of Intl Workshop on VLSI Design and Test VDAT-1998, New Delhi,India, Aug 1998.
26) S. Chakraverty and C.P. Ravikumar, “VLSI implementation of a Strongly Fault Secure ALU,” Jour. of Comp. Science and Eng. Vol 3, No.5, pp 282-288, Sept.1998.
27) S.Chakravery and C.P.Ravikumar,”ASIC realization of a strongly faulty secure ALU,” Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Fault Tolerant Systems and Software FTS-96, IIT-Madras, pp99-106, 1996.
28) C.P Ravikumar and S.Chakraverty,”VLSI Implementattion of an FIR Filter,” Procs. of Intl. Conf. on Signal Processing and Communications SPCOM-1993, IIISC Bangalore, pp.99-102, Jan.1993.
29) S. Chakraverty, A. Batra and A. Rathi, “Directed heuristic convergence-A fast and novel approach to Steiner tree construction”, Proc. of IFIP Intl. Conf. on Very Large Scale integration VLSI-SOC 2006,October 16-18, Nice, France, 2006.
30) S. Chakraverty, ”Cosynthesis of multiprocessor architectures with high availability,” Proc. of 17th IEEE Intl. conf. on VLSI Design 2004, Mumbai, India, pp 927-932, Jan 5-9 2004.
31) S. Chakraverty and C.P Ravikumar,”Genetic Algorithm for synthesis of performance critical real-time systems,” Proc. of National Seminar on Applied Systems Engineering and soft Computing(SASESC-2000), Dayalbagh University,Agra,pp.281-288,Feb2000.
1) Charu Wahi, Sanjay Kumar Sonbhadra, Shampa Chakraverty, V.Bhattacharya, “Effect of Scalability and Mobility on On-Demand Routing protocols in a Mobile Ad-Hoc Network,” In Proc. of 3rd Intl Conf on Software and Computing Technology, ICSCT2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 21-22, 2012.
2) Charu Wahi, Sanjay Kumar Sonbhadra, Shampa Chakraverty, V.Bhattacharya, “Performance evaluation of MANET routing protocols for mobility using QualNet,” In Proc. Intl. Conf. on Cloud Computing and e-Governance 2012, ICCEG 2012, Thailand, 26-18 July, 2012.
3) Alka Munjal, R. Malik and S. Chakraverty, “Advanced Forward Error Correction based steaming using RTSP and RTP,” Proc. of IEEE Advanced Intl .Conf. on Telecommunictions-AICT ‘06, Guadeloupe, French Caribbean Feb 19-22, 2006.
4) Alka Munjal, R. Malik and S.Chakraverty, “Offline Adaptive Forward Error Correction (AFEC)for Reliable Multicast”, Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Networking, Sensing and Control-ICNC’06, Florida, U.S.A., April 23-25, 2006.
5) N. Gupta, D.Kumar, V.Sood and S. Chakraverty,”Network Traffic management using optimized caching algorithms,” Procs. of National Seminar on Intelligent Computing and Software Engineering(ICSE-2000), IIT-Benarus Hindu University, pp192-195,2000.
1) S. Chakraverty, K. Bajaj, “Computer organization and assembly,” Publisher: Knowledge Business Solutions, N.I.I.T. 2005 (Book)
2) S. Chakraverty, “Laboratory experiments on electronic circuits,” Standard Publishers, 1996, pp 1-207 (Book)
3) S. Chakraverty, “Operating systems,” Institution of Engineers, 1997 (CBT)
4) S. Chakraverty, “Computer graphics fundamentals,” Institution of engineers, 1997 (CBT)
5) S. Chakraverty, “Embedded system design,” EDUSAT, Delhi, 2010 (CBT)
6) S. Chakraverty, “Advanced computer architectures, “ EDUSAT, Delhi, 2010 (CBT)
1) Book “Towards Adaptable and Extensible Methods in Computing,” Eds: Shampa Chakraverty, Sanjay Mishra, Anil Goel, Springer Nature, 2018.
2) Guest Editor for ICTACT Journal of Soft Computing Special Issue on Distributed Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2014.
1) Shampa Chakraverty, Invited article “Towards Innovative Pedagogy in the Engineering Classroom” Higher Education Review, Invited article, Sept 2014, pp 40-41. Available at: http://www.theher.in/magazine/
2) All India Radio (AIR) Talk between S. Chakraverty and G.S. Tuteja, on program SANVAAD on “Developments in Higher Education,” 5 Nov, 2015
3) Talk on AIR program RADIOSCOPE “Latest Developments in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology”, 6 Dec, 2013
4) Shampa Chakraverty article on Artificial Intelligence, MidDay May 15, 2013
5) AIR Panel Discussion on ‘Science, Technology and new Innovation Policy-2013”, 19 Jan, 2013. Participants: Krishan Lal (INSA), Shampa Chakraverty (NSIT), Neeraj Sharma (DST), Vijay Kapoor, Vijay Kranti
6) Shampa Chakraverty article on New Age Engineering, Times of India May 21, 2012
7) AIR Interactive Interview on “Science and Technology” in INDRAPRASTHA channel 29 Dec, 2012.
1) Mr Anil Kumar, Codesign of reliable embedded systems, Awarded 2007
2) Ms Upasana Pandey, Context based document classification and analysis, Awarded 2013
3) Ms. Vidhi Khanduja, Design and Analysis of Watermarking Techniques for Web Databases to Enhance Robustness and Fragility, awarded 2017
4) Ms Sushma Hans, Enhancing the quality of e-learning systems, submitted 2017
5) Ms. Geeta Rani, Web User Profiling and Recommender System, awarded 2017
6) Ms Srishti, Sentiment Analysis, registration 2013, nearing completion
7) Ms Mala Saraswat, Cross domain recommendation, registration 2013, nearing completion
8) Mr Gaurav Saxena, Image based ontology generation, registration 2015, ongoing
9) Ms Sunny Rai, Metaphor Detection, 2015, nearing completion
10) Ms Anuradha Yadav, Trust in social networks, registration 2015, nearing completion
11) Ms Kanika Bhatia, Handling dynamic features in Big data, registration 2017
12) Ms Kanika Trehan, Elearning on the fly, registration 2017