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Dr. Amogh Talan
Assistant Professor



Dr. Amogh Talan is an Assistant Professor with over a decade of experience in academia. Holding a post-graduate degree from the prestigious Delhi School of Economics at the University of Delhi, Dr. Talan has dedicated his career to nurturing the minds of young learners. Dr. Talan's profound research interests lie in the areas of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management and Strategic Management. Driven by a vision of cultivating an empathetic and wise society, he actively engages in research projects that contribute to this noble goal. Dr. Talan has clinched numerous national-level academic awards in recognition of his exceptional contributions. His scholarly impact shines through with more than 30 publications in esteemed journals indexed in ABDC, Scopus, and other reputable databases. Notably, he has authored three insightful books in his field. Dr. Amogh Talan's involvement in multiple research projects underscores his unwavering dedication to fostering a more compassionate world.

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