Dr. Savita Yadav did her schooling from N. C. Jindal Public School, New Delhi. She received her B.Sc. (Hons.) in Physics and M.Sc. in Physics from the University of Delhi in 2001 and 2003, respectively, and her M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering from Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar in 2006. Subsequently, she completed her Ph.D. from Netaji Subhas University of Technology in 2023. She has been a meritorious student and held positions throughout her student life.
She is a faculty in the department of computer science and engineering at Netaji Subhas University of Technology, New Delhi since 2007. She introduced courses on Human Computer Interaction at both undergraduate level and postgraduate level in the university. She also teaches courses on data structures, operating systems and database management systems. The emphasis of her research is on the interaction of people with smartphones and other touchscreen devices. She has published several research papers in SCIE, SSCI, Scopus and UGC-CARE indexed journals.
In addition, she has presented papers in several international conferences whose proceedings were published by IEEE and Springer. She received the best paper awards in the International Conference on Computational Performance Evaluation organized by North-Eastern Hill University (a central university) during 1st-3rd December 2021 and the International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies organized by K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering during 16th-18th February 2022 for parts of the work presented in this thesis.
She has reviewed papers for acclaimed journals like Acta Paediatrica (Wiley), Computer Applications in Engineering Education (Wiley), Education and Information Technologies (Springer), Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies (Wiley) and Universal Access in the Information Society (Springer). She has chaired sessions in IEEE INDICON 2020 held during 11th-13th December 2020 and IEEE DELCON 2022 held during 11th-13th February 2022.
She has been actively supervising Ph.D. thesis, M.Tech. dissertations and B.Tech. projects many of which are on human-computer interaction
Publications in Conference Proceedings
(Full-length papers only)
- Yadav, S., Chakraborty, P. and Mittal, P. 2020. User interface of a drawing app for children: Design and effectiveness. Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications (Delhi), pp. 53-61.
- Yadav, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2020. Human-computer interaction as an important aspect of software: A tutorial. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (Greater Noida), pp. 40-44.
- Yadav, S., Chakraborty, P., Jain, K. and Jyotirmaya. 2021. A user centered design approach to develop a mobile app for children. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Performance Evaluation (Shillong), pp. 54-58. [Best Paper Award]
- Yadav, S., Chakraborty, P. and Yadav, S. 2022. A model for teaching geometry to schoolchildren using smartphone app. Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (Tiruchirappalli), pp. 1-6. [Best Paper Award]
- Yadav, S., Chakraborty, P., Mittal, P., Kumar, A. and Gupta, H. 2022. A novel technique to detect inappropriate content accessed by children on smartphone. Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications (Delhi), pp. 91-105.
- Yadav, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2022. Psychological impact of using smartphone on four to ten year old children. Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication (Delhi), pp. 569-576.
Conference Attended
- Presented paper in 4th International Conference on Data Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics (ICDICI’23) organized by SCAD college of Engineering and Technology, Tamil Nadu, held on 27-28 June 2023.
Publications in Journals
- Yadav, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2017. Children aged two to four are able to scribble and draw with a smartphone. Acta Paediatrica (Wiley), 106(6): 991-994. [SCIE, Impact Factor: 3.8]
- Yadav, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2017. Video-chatting with young children. Current Science (Indian Academy of Sciences), 113(1): 9-9. [SCIE, Impact Factor: 1.102]
- Yadav, S., Chakraborty, P., Mittal, P. and Arora, U. 2018. Children aged 6-24 months like to watch YouTube videos but could not learn anything from them. Acta Paediatrica (Wiley), 107(8): 1461-1466. [SCIE, Impact Factor: 3.8]
- Yadav, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2018. Smartphone apps can entertain and educate children aged two to six but should be used with caution. Acta Paediatrica (Wiley), 107(10): 1834-1835. [SCIE, Impact Factor: 3.8]
- Singh, T., Afreen, S., Chakraborty, P., Raj, R., Yadav, S. and Jain, D. 2019. Automata simulator: A mobile app to teach theory of computation. Computer Applications in Engineering Education (Wiley), 27(5): 1064-1072. [SCIE, Impact Factor: 2.9]
- Yadav, S., Chakraborty, P., Kaul, A., Pooja, Gupta, B. and Garg, A. 2020. Ability of children to perform touchscreen gestures and follow prompting techniques when using mobile apps. Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics (Korean Pediatric Society), 63(6): 232-236. [ESCI, Impact Factor: 4.2]
- Yadav, S., Chakraborty, P., Kochar, G. and Ansari, D. 2020. Interaction of children with an augmented reality smartphone app. International Journal of Information Technology (Springer), 12(3): 711-716. [SCOPUS]
- Yadav, S., Chakraborty, P., Meena, L., Yadav, D. and Mittal, P. 2021. Children’s interaction with touchscreen devices: Performance and validity of Fitts’ law. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies (Wiley), 3(5): 1132-1140. [ESCI, Impact Factor: 10.3]
- Yadav, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2021. Designing digital content for children: Understanding children’s capabilities. Childhood Education Innovations (Taylor & Francis), 97(1): 75-78. [SCOPUS]
- Yadav, S., & Chakraborty, P. (2021). Child-smartphone interaction: Relevance and positive and negative implications. Universal Access in the Information Society, 21(3), 573–586. [SCIE, Impact factor: 2.4]
- Chakraborty, P., Mittal, P., Gupta, M.S., Yadav, S. and Arora, A. 2021. Opinion of students on online education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hum Behav & Emerg Tech., 3:357–365. [ESCI, Impact Factor: 10.3]
- Yadav, S., Chakraborty, P. and Mittal, P. 2022. Designing drawing apps for children: Artistic and technological factors. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction (Taylor & Francis), 38(2): 103-117. [SCIE, Impact Factor: 4.7]
- Yadav, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2022. Using Google voice search to support informal learning in four to ten year old children. Education and Information Technologies (Springer), 27(3): 4347-4363. [SSCI, Impact Factor: 5.5]
- Yadav, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2022. Children’s ability to engage in video chatting: Expressiveness, recall and problem solving. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment (Taylor & Francis), 32(8): 1070-1088. [ESCI, Impact Factor: 1.6]
- Yadav, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2022. Children and new media: Can playing with smartphones be beneficial? Media Asia (Wiley), 49(1): 76-83. [SCOPUS]
- Yadav, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2022. Five principles of smartphone use by children: Ability, necessity and consequences. Childhood Education Innovations (Taylor & Francis), 98(2): 76-79. [SCOPUS]
- Yadav, S., Chakraborty, P., Meena, L., & Yadav, D. (2022). Children’s ability to read hypertext on computers and smartphones. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 50(4), 521–539. [UGC-CARE]
18. Yadav, S. & Chakraborty, P. (2023). Ability of four to six year old children to learn novel words from digital media. Clinical Pediatrics, accepted. [SCIE, Impact factor: 1.6]
19. Yadav, S., & Chakraborty, P. (2023). Introducing schoolchildren to computational thinking using smartphone apps: A way to encourage enrollment in engineering education. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 31(4), 831-849. [SCIE, Impact factor: 2.9]
- Yadav, S., & Chakraborty, P. (2023). Reinforcing biology education in schools using smartphones: a post-COVID pandemic study. Education and Information Technologies, accepted. [SSCI, Impact factor: 5.5]
- Chakraborty, P., & Yadav, S. (2023). Human-computer interaction: An everyman’s introduction. Everyman’s Science, 56(5-6), article 23.