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Connecting block

The connecting block is the small, two-floored block connecting the ECE & COE blocks. It houses a few classrooms on the ground & first floors. Apart from that, the mini auditorium, which is used to hold various seminars & talks, is situated on the second floor of this block. Room number 110 is a convenient location for society meets since it is kept open throughout the day.

Block 4 (ECE & BT)

Block 4 houses the Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) and Biotechnology (BT) departments. The ground, first and second floors are dedicated to the ECE division while the third floor is for the BT division. On the third floor are two biotechnology labs, one dedicated to undergraduate students and the other primarily for use by postgraduate students. The labs used in the ECE department are also situated in this portion of the block. Some of these include the Principles of Electrical Engineering lab, Digital Electronics lab, Analogue Electronics lab and the Communications lab.

Block 5 (COE & IT)

Block 5 houses the Computer Engineering (COE) department as well as the Information Technology (IT) department. This block lies closest to the central library but farthest from the main administrative block. The table tennis & gym rooms are located in the COE block and are popular student destinations. Some of the labs present in this block include the Real Time lab, CAD lab, Software Engineering lab and the Database lab.

Block 6 (ICE & MPAE)

Block 6 houses the Instrumentation & Control Engineering (ICE) and Manufacturing Processes & Automation (MPAE) departments. There is no clear demarcation between classrooms used for either department. All applied sciences labs - which include labs for Physics, Chemistry, Machines& Applied Mechanics - are situated in this block. The classrooms dedicated to the Engineering Drawing & Machine Drawing departments are located on the first floor of this block.

Admin block

All important offices are located in the main administrative block. The basement has branches of State Bank of India & Andhra Bank, a post office and an SBI ATM. The second floor houses Prof. J.P.Saini (Vice Chancellor NSUT) office, the board room, and the main auditorium. All major talks, functions & seminars are held in the main auditorium.

Library Block

The library block is located in front of the sports complex and behind the main five blocks.There is an operating lift inside the block along with air conditioning in each room. A parking lot is present right in front for students & faculty to use.


The workshop is located near the library block and close to the sports complex. The main shops existing are fitting, welding, sheet metal, foundry & machine shops. First year students perform the former four jobs in their first semester and are graded accordingly. The main objective of the workshop is to introduce a general idea of how things work in the manufacturing domain.

