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Infrastructural facilities available:


NSUT has a beautifully landscaped and fully residential campus, sprawling 145 acres of land. A wide range of facilities including

  • Administrative building: that includes Vice-Chancellors Office, Registrar Office, Executive Engineer Office, Examination Centre, IQAC cell, RTI Cell, SC/ST Cell, Training & placement cell, Auditorium, Centre of electronics design & technology,
  • Residential: Vice-Chancellor, Faculty & Staff Residences, Hostels, Guest House,
  • Academic: Academic Blocks, HODs & Deans rooms, conference halls, committee rooms, seminar rooms, classrooms, tutorial rooms, drawing halls, library building,
  • Laboratories: Workshops, laboratories, research labs, language lab, computer Centre,
  • Others: Medical Facility (Physiotherapy, Homeopathy), Power backup, Incubator for students, alumni and faculty, yoga & meditation Centre, Gym facility, University management system, university networking system, internet facilities, broadband facilities, fully Wi-Fi campus, video conferences facilities, CCTV cameras, bio metric system, boys & girls common rooms, computational facilities, printing facilities, student activity Centre, sports complex, Two banks, ATM, post office, Amul milk booth in the campus, beautiful horticulture department & landscaping lawns, shopping complex. A prominent feature of NSUT’s campus is the vast expanse of flora & fauna that envelopes its entirety. The lush green campus welcomes a diverse community of students, faculty, staff & visitors in its midst.

Special features of innovation

NSUT INCUBATION AND INNOVATION FOUNDATION (NSUT-IIF) (section 8 company as per The Companies Act-2013) having its registered office at Netaji Subhas University of Technology, Azad Hind Fauz Marg, Sector 3, Dwarka Delhi, was opened to incubate start-ups of NSUT students, alumni, faculty of NSUT, any other incubate under the guideline of Delhi Government at NSUT for two years with seed money/funding from the NSUT-IIF.

Netaji Subhas University of Technology won the first prize on 15th October ‘2017 in Chennai, in the category “Institution Supporting Start-ups” sponsored by Niti Aayog and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) in collaboration with Vijnana Bharati (VIBHA) and partnering with other government agencies such as DBT, DST, DIPP, AIM - NITI Aayog, NRDC and FITT organized “National Start-up Summit-2017” under the aegis of India International Science Festival (IISF 2017), a joint mega event of Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Earth Sciences.

NSUT IIF provides a host of support services to start-ups, organize selection of newer incubates. Some of the start-ups incubated by NSUT IIF are Readers Crib, an e-commerce marketplace for renting of books; CacheFi, linux smart routers powerful enough to run multiple applications; Tri posse, a tech aggregator for bespoke group travel services. Newer start-ups in the area of low-cost technology & best harvesting practices for horticulture crops farmers community, Smart mechanization for small farmers, making roads safer using in-car technology to make driving better and monitored for drivers, authorities, as well as other third parties, machine learning start-ups to get the best price from all major online stores in India, and compare it with the offline stores and Stories Worth Sharing for teenagers and adults are in the process of financing.

NSUT has a mix of subject matter experts and management focused faculty members along with motivated students, technical societies and an alumni network to operationalize innovation and start-up activities. Various societies at NSUT like IEEE, SAE, ISA, CSI, and C.E.D.T. Lab at NSUT have helped students learn skills to develop technology-based projects